12/29/2024 0 Comments December 29th, 2024 - 2024 RecapEnjoy the recap of 2024, and the plans for 2025!
When we think of "missions from God", we think of big, extravagant, movie worthy missions. Moses leads the Israelites out of slavery. Gideon defeats an army ten times the size of his army. Elijah calls fire from heaven. But, most of the missions God gives are much smaller and quieter. This week, Pastor Ben Hightower takes us through the mission that God gave to Mary and Joseph to show us the mission that God has for us. We're told to take off old behaviors and put on new ones, but can any of us really do that? Are we able to change ourselves by force of will? Probably not. The good news is that our work isn't solo work, but participation in the work God is already doing in us. I'm just not a _______ person. Insert kind, patient, or any other quality and it's probably something you said. We look at the commands of Jesus or the Apostles and say that some are just not for us because we're "not that kind of person". Paul doesn't accept that. He says that if we're followers of Jesus, we don't get to settle into who we are, but have to choose to be more. This week, Pastor Ben Hightower continues in Colossians 3 to show us the qualities Paul says we should "put on". |
Our PastorBen Hightower has been the Pastor of Solid Rock since December 2019. Before moving to NWA, Ben was a Youth Pastor in Malvern, Arkansas and a Church Planter in Fayetteville, Arkansas as well as Columbia, Missouri. Archives
February 2025