Is a rule a gift or a curse? It depends on the rule and the rule maker. What about rules from God? Are they gifts or curses? Blessings or burdens? This week, Pastor Ben Hightower continues our series "The Gospel of Mark" with three stories about rules and how Jesus said we should respond to them.
What do you expect from Jesus? Where do you expect that He would spend His time? Who do you expect that He would spend His time with? If you know some things about Jesus, you might have a good idea. But, when Mark wrote his Gospel, he wasn't writing to people who had been to Sunday School as a kid. He was writing to people who would have some pretty large and incorrect assumptions about Jesus. So, in Chapter 2, he starts where we think Jesus would be, with who we think He would be with. Then, he shows Jesus move from there to where He actually wants us to be. And, in moving Jesus, Mark challenges our assumptions about Jesus.
Do you care more about what a leader says or what they do? When Mark wrote his Gospel, he decided to introduce us to Jesus, not by what He said or where He was from or who His family was, but by what He did. This week, Pastor Ben Hightower takes us through Mark's introduction of Jesus to see what Jesus did and how He wanted us to respond to it.
Our PastorBen Hightower has been the Pastor of Solid Rock since December 2019. Before moving to NWA, Ben was a Youth Pastor in Malvern, Arkansas and a Church Planter in Fayetteville, Arkansas as well as Columbia, Missouri. Archives
February 2025